Monday, November 1, 2010

Another man's junk....well, you know....

My parents came to visit us Wednesday night.  They live about 2 1/2 hours away and were staying until Saturday.  I had previously emailed my Daddy a link to an Estate Sale I found on Craig's List a few weeks ago.  They went to see if they could scope out the goods on Thursday, but alas, nothing was outside.  So, bright and early Friday morning, they arrived on the scene.  (a little backstory....tangent?  No way!)  I am turning a small room in our upstairs into my Mom Cave.  I have never had a place for my scrapbooking/crafts/junk and this house we live in now finally has the space.  I told my Mama I wanted a barrel-shaped light fixture kind of like this.  I thought it would fit perfecly in the dormer area of my Mom Cave.  Back to the present...she called me from the Estate Sale and told me she found this!!  AND, best part is that they only wanted $10 for it.  TEN SMACKERS!  My kinda deal.  They also found this sweet solid wood bookcase for another $10.  Mama said she thought I could do something with, she's catching on to my new hobby well!!!  "Bring me your tired, your weak, your needs to be painted and made fabulous again...." 

But, I digress...let me back up.  I had to intention of working on my Mom Cave this weekend.  My house was a mess, it was Halloween weekend, my parents were there and my in-laws were coming Saturday so I was just going to save it for another day. Well, my daddy had other plans.  He is retired and loves a good project.  I routinely call or email him with the phrase, "I've got a project...can you come help?"  The great part is that he has most any and all tool(s) that I could ever imagine using.  Besides, Logan loves a visit from his grandparents. 
When they arrived Wednesday night, I took Daddy upstairs to show him what I plan to do and what I envision doing with the space in the future.  I planned a wrapping paper station, storage and organization for my scrapbook supplies and a large, flat workspace with added lighting.  As soon as I started mentioning things, Daddy started making plans for this and that.  It's so funny to watch him get excited over building things and I love the time he and I spend together planning projects, shopping for supplies and executing our ideas.  I don't know many 30-something women who spend that kind of quality time with their dad's...especially once they are married with children.  Don't get me wrong, my Mama and I are very close and we do ALL the girlie things together, still, but I so enjoy and appreciate the time with my Daddy. Once I showed him what all I wanted to do to my room, we began rummaging around in the attic.  We found all kinds of scrap wood, paint, tile, molding and sheet rock that the original owners/builders left in the attic.  SCORE!  We found some pieces of wood to build the frame for the wrapping paper station.  By the time I got home from work on Thursday, he had the wrapping paper station completed except for painting it.  We finished it all up and got it mounted on the wall.  It looks fantastic and we made such great use of the small, awkward space!  I am so pleased!

Here is my Mom Cave in progress.  I chose some cute Amy Butler fabric and coordinating Free Spirit Park Slope leaf green dot fabric for the valance on my one window.  I may never have a daughter, so this room is going to be girlie.  I found a sweet girl, Tracey Wilson, on to make the valance.  She did a super-great job and I am so pleased!  Shen sent me back the extra fabric that I used to recover the chair that I bought on Craig's List.  The little desk I purchased from a local antique shop that is going out of business.  I found a few cute brass planters at a yard sale which I have painted white and will use for little knick-knack supplies on my table or on the larger surface.  I also scored this bookcase on Craig's List which I have painted white.  Looking now for some cutesie baskets/storage bins to hold inks/paper/scissors, etc. 

                     I am so happy with my Mom Cave in progress!!

gift wrap station

Craig's list chair repainted and seat recovered

Craig's list folding bookshelf; got to find some cute bins

                                  Gorgeous valance made by Tracey Wilson

We added shorter rows at the top for ribbon and larger rows on the bottom for large paper


Patricia @ ButterYum

Great wrapping center, and I love that light hanging in the window area - it's perfect for that space.
